Showtime: Palo Alto Style 2014

Showtime: Palo Alto Style 2014
The process of preparing for a show is as follows:
Months and months before the show there is the perception of having endless amounts of time…I work diligently, but life of course is ever present, nipping at my heels.
Midway through, say a month before the show, I am at the height of my creative flow and juiciness, working like a bee, fertilizing the new garments with beautiful touches.
Two weeks before, time suddenly comes into focus. I see I can’t finish all the re-dos I bought a week ago at the Salvation Army! I am getting mad at myself for not being more productive. I am frantically trying to prioritize what I think I can realistically make before then. Counting the actual days I have to work. My energy getting more drained the more stressed I become.
The week of the show I start to let go. Still trying to whip myself up into a semi-frenzy, but knowing that it won’t do any good. Now is the time to get my ducks in a row. And not get sick.
A calm and more grounded mindset sets in and I am printing out my mapquests of where I am headed, counting out vitamins and visualizing good sales and happy camaraderie with the other designers and artists.
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