


It is fitting that in the new year we review what nurtures us and what blocks us. It is a great time for looking within.


And so my studio lays fallow while I turn my attention to my home space. A three car garage that has never seen a car inside. I share this with my husband’s workout equipment. But that equipment was encroaching on my space. The Feng Sui was off and the piles of photos, dad’s old shirts were mounting on top of my cutting table.

To clear this space I started with projects I’ve had on the list for years. One after the next. Then, my mom’s trunk. She’s not gone yet but here it sits in MY space! Then my son’s old baseball stuff. He’s out of college now. You get the picture. This collection of tasks and things weigh on me as sure as day. Sometimes, I feel I must fight for my time. Well, I must also fight with my stuff. And I’m only fighting myself it turns out.

Little by little. It’s a good motto. One to get through this life, maybe a bit more accepting of ourselves and our beloved collections. May you all be kind to yourselves with your letting go!

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