Sunday in the Studio with Francesca

Sunday in the Studio with Francesca

Sunday in the Studio with Francesca

In the spirit of keeping the creative force going I signed on for a mid summer show with my longtime friend Francesca Lewis Kennedy. When I first met Francesca it was in the Design Network days ( mid ’80s) and she had a business making hip leather clothing. I was making clothes and working with interior decorators, but needed more income and was helping her with her leather samples. Every little bit helped.

Fast forward 20 years! Children grown and change in career. She is now compiling jewelry elements and texturizing metal into bangles and anything else she can conceive of.

I like to share my space with friends and see what happens. This was a shot in the dark given the mid-summer and all. I was focusing on re-dos. Thinking of course I would finish all the ones I hadn’t got to. Hah! Best of intentions.

Anyway—more cleanup and prep for another show. Day of, hour of. Not a peep. We chatted and stayed calm.

At noon a client friend of hers came. She had seen my ¾ Kirin in Navy wool and had to have it. She also tried on and had to have the last piece I finished for this show, a beautiful pieced cotton indigo EF vest. Not bad for a first sale of the day, and very confirming that what I do has merit and beauty. (Yes- one always has doubts).

In all it was a quiet and sparsely attended show. But everyone who came bought something, was appreciative and added to the present sweet quality of the day. It was a productive and informative way to spend a Sunday, catching up with a friend and sharing our wares with the world.

The Core Group


We are a core group of designers that have shown togetherXiaoyan81

in a sale/trunk show format for many years now.

The reason for each designer to show varies.

For Susan it is to rid herself of last season’s samples.

The same is true for Xiaoyan.  Both of those designers do production

and have to make up a full line of samples each season.

Susan donates what doesn’t sell to a woman’s shelter.


Mala Freedman



Mala has her design made in Bali. She does sell to stores, but doesn’t do trade shows, so she has a nice private cliental to add to her income stream.






Pam and I do very limited editions of pieces.  The trunk shows are an important way of creating income. I do sell to a woman- Pat Henderson- who travels and does trunk shows. And I have had a store in Santa Fe, which was sold recently and I haven’t created a relationship with the new owners yet.

Pam's Table





Our informal coterie  mostly shows at the Acqua Hotel in Mill Valley twice a year. Last May, however, since there were only us 5 showing I offered my studio to use, in the spirit of economizing.

My next door neighbors allowed me to store my 2nd (!) wall of snap-on plastic boxes of fabric and I moved all other kinds of bolts and containers so we could make a cozy environment to gather and make a marketplace for ourselves.  Attendance was quite fine and there was a convivial atmosphere. It could be an option for the future if we need to, though the Acqua has a lovely view and no clutter!


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