I am feeling hungry for something. Of course food is delicious, but right now I am hankering for something that is not tangible. A feeling that I need to let something in that expresses my deepest creativity. Many things stand in the way:










Worry about the world

Need for peace.


Of course they don’t really—stand in the way—that is. But the essence is that I frequently put off what could really fulfill this ever-widening gap that is my creative life.


It’s really not that bad. Life is intrinsically creative. I solve problems every day—sometimes to the point of distraction.

But what I notice is that I only make change when I get so uncomfortable, or when I realize—oh yeah—I am needing ___.


So, by writing these words I am giving myself space for expression and room to do what I have been meaning to for awhile: write, paint, sculpt with threads, cloth and stitching.


After my next show that is!

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